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COUPLE CHECKUP (From Prepare/Enrich)
The content of this website was designed to go hand in hand with an online compatibility test called the Couple Checkup, which is the online version of Prepare-Enrich's Compatibility Assessment.
The Couple Checkup has three versions, one for "Married Couples", one for "Engaged Couples", and one for "Couples that are Dating".
In taking the assessment, you and your partner will be asked questions that will help to assess differences in the "Core Beliefs", of your relationship. And if "Unchecked", these Core Beliefs, will lead to trouble later in your relationship, after the "Deal is Sealed" (After You say "I Do").
Core Belief Areas
1. Communication
2. Conflict Resolution
3. Financial Management
4. Relationship Roles
5. Household Chores
6. Family Dynamics
7. Personalities
8. Priorities
9. Spiritual Beliefs
10. Affection & Sex
12. Laws of Attraction
13. Couple Closeness
14. Blended Families
15. Future Goals
If any of these CORE Beliefs Speak to YOU, we invite you to Click the Couple Checkup Image, Take the Assessment, then contact a counselor or Pastor about finding HELP.
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